GIBS ConnectED
The Grace Institute of Biblical Studies is a ministry of the Duluth Bible Church, located in Duluth, MN, U.S.A. It had been the desire and prayer of the spiritual leadership of Duluth Bible Church for a period of time to see a ministry of this nature started at the Duluth Bible Church. As a result of much prayer and planning, GIBS began its inaugural class in January of 1992 and launched the online version, GIBS ConnectED, in 2017 to reach external students. Our intent is to provide solid Biblical and practical teaching and training for those who are desirous and gifted for specialized ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs us..."You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
This is a short video to instruct new students on how to navigate our Moodle site.
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(2 Credits)

(2 Credits)

Developing a deeper understanding of how God wants believers to daily walk by faith in Christ and rest in His power and promises to fight their battles, carrying their burdens, direct their paths, enable their service, etc. This is a crucial study as too often well-meaning believers find themselves in Romans 7 failure and frustration because they don’t understand or enjoy the faith-rest life.
(1 Credit)

(4 Credits)

(4 Credits)

(4 Credits)

Continuation of Biblical Distinctions 1: Discerning and distinguishing from the Scriptures the biblical covenants, Gospel of Kingdom vs Gospel of Grace, the 3 different Hells, the different resurrections, 7 baptisms, the 7 major judgments, the punishment vs. discipline of God, etc.(13 Lessons)
(4 Credits)

Students will study the biblical basis for
evangelism and various means how to powerfully present the Gospel in a clear
and effective manner to others; answering basic objections to Christianity; a biblical
perspective on missions; how to plant a church; etc.
(3 Credits)

An understanding of God’s plan of the ages from Genesis
to Revelation, along with understanding the various divine economies or
dispensations that describe and distinguish man’s responsibilities to God in
each age, especially during the Church Age today.
(4 Credits)

How to teach what you have learned so far, as well as how to teach children; how to start a Sunday School; how to start a youth ministry, etc.
(2 Credits)

20-40 minute devotionals to be watched (Independent Study).
(1 Credit)

These are devotionals to be watched (Independent Study).
(1 Credit)

A 8 study answering many questions regarding the authority of Scripture and addressing the issues of Biblical 1) inspiration, 2) inerrancy, 3) canonicity, and 4) translations. With this study, students will be shown how they can trust their Bible, how to understand their Bible, and how to effectively hear the Word of God.
(4 Credits)

The student will be taught the key theme, verse(s), features, outline, etc. of each book under study to be able to think through the contents therein.
(4 Credits)

(4 Credits)

The student will be taught the key theme, verse(s), features, outline, etc. of each book under study to be able to think through the contents therein.
(3 Credits)

The student will be taught the key theme, verse(s), features, outline, etc. of each book under study to be able to think through the contents therein.
(3 Credits)

Students are required to keep a journal, briefly summarizing each chapter as they read through the Old Testament.
(3 Credits)

Students are required to keep a journal, briefly summarizing each chapter as they read through the Old Testament.
(3 Credits)

Students are required to keep a journal, briefly summarizing each chapter as they read through the New Testament.
(2 Credit)

Students are required to keep a journal, briefly summarizing each chapter as they read through the New Testament.
(2 Credit)

Expositional study of John 15 and the importance of the believer to abide in Christ.
(1 Credit)

Expositional overview of Colossians.
(2 Credits)

The Person, Life, and Work of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, including Old
Testament prophecies and predictions of His first coming, His miraculous birth
and public ministry up to Passion Week.
(3 Credits)

continuation of the Person, Life, and Work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
from Gethsemane and Calvary to His resurrection, ascension, present ministry,
return, and eternal kingdom.
(3 Credits)

An expositional study of Acts 1–12 on the birth and growth of the
early Church, covering the transition from the dispensation of Law to Grace,
the place of apostleship, prophecy, and sign gifts for the establishment of the
Church, persecution, and the role and power of the Holy Spirit and the Gospel.
(4 credits)

expositional study of Acts 13–28 on the growth of the early Church, the
missionary journeys of Paul, the planting and establishing of local churches, the
ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the advancement of the Gospel despite
opposition to it.
(4 Credits)

Since everything in GIBS is designed to be used in and through the local church, this class is a must. Students will study the Bible regarding the meaning, nature, plan, growth, doctrine, service, gifts, etc. of the Church.
(3 Credits)

A continuation of part 1, students will further examine from the Scriptures about the qualifications and ministry of a pastor and deacon, how a church is to respond to its spiritual leaders, along with learning about the ordinances, music, missions, separation, and future of the Church. GIBS students have remarked that these are some of the most helpful and practical classes they enjoy in GIBS.
(3 Credits)

(4 Credits)

Based on the textbook by Roy Zuck Basic Bible Interpretation, this course covers the history of biblical interpretation and the role of culture, grammar, figures of speech, types, symbols, parables, allegories, prophecy, use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, and faithful application of God’s Word following accurate interpretation.
(3 credits)

(1 Credit)

Pondering the Page #8 covers some principles on prayer and 45 principles on spiritual leadership.
30-60 minute devotionals
(1 Credit)

This valuable class moves students from basic grammar to effectively communicating God’s truths in written form, which will be needed for writing tracts, letters, books, etc.
(4 Credits)

Important theological and soteriological issues of our day, such as Free Grace versus Lordship Salvation and Calvinism, are examined under the searchlight of Scripture,
(3 Credits)

An exciting, verse-by-verse expositional study of Revelation to know God’s plan for the future and its application to the Christian life today.
(4 Credits)
A continued exciting, verse-by-verse expositional study of Revelation to know God’s plan for the future and its application to the Christian life today.
(4 Credits)

This introductory course on the original language of the New Testament is designed to get students familiar with the basics of Koine Greek vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, focusing on nouns, pronouns, adjectives, conjunctions, and the present and imperfect-tense, indicative-mood forms of verbs.
(4 Credits)

A continuation of the basics of Koine Greek vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, learning the remaining verb tenses and moods, participles, infinitives, and the article, leading to the translation of 1 John, with the goal of becoming an accurate exegete.
(4 Credits)

This course exposes students to the first 8 steps of a 20-step process from exegesis to expository preaching. In doing so, the student will learn how to examine the general and specific context, recreate the passage accurately, discover the central ideas and purpose of the passage, address any interpretative problems that surface, and “principle-ize” the text for contemporary relevance.
(4 Credits)

Pondering the Page #9 is a continuation of PTP #8 and the 45 principles on spiritual leadership.
30-60 minute devotionals
(1 Credit)

Verse-by-verse expositional survey of Paul’s last epistle of 2 Timothy.
(1 Credit)

This is a verse-by-verse exposition of 1 Corinthians 12–14, which is the most definitive and expansive passage in the New Testament on the topic of spiritual gifts. Special attention is given to the baptism by the Holy Spirit and the gifts of apostleship, prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. This exposition shows how these gifts were foundational for the early church but have ceased since then, in contrast to the teachings of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
(4 Credits)

A verse-by-verse exposition of the second half of the book of Romans covering God’s national election of Israel, His present and future plan for that nation, and practical instruction in righteousness for the Church.

The foundational issues of life according to God's biblical design are contrasted with their contemporary distortions in our fallen world. Foundational truths from Genesis 1-12 and other key passages are studied to form a biblical worldview with respect to truth, authority, origins, the nature of mankind, abortion, marriage and the family, gender and sexuality, economics and socialism, justice and equality, race, environment, government, nationalism and globalism, immigration, technology, and living in view of Christ's imminent return.
(3 Credits)

A survey of the major spiritual lessons, people, and events of the last 20 centuries of Christendom.
(3 Credits)

This course surveys sects and denominations within professing Christendom; as well as atheism & agnosticism and non-Christian world religions and the cults, all designed to make the student a more discerning and effective witness for Christ.
(3 Credits)

This course continues where the Biblical Exegesis I left off with the 20-step process from exegesis to exposition in order to better equip the student to rightly divide the word of truth.
(4 Credits)
Prereq: 4701 - Biblical Exegesis 1

This course highlights the mandate, definition, and advantages of verse-by-verse exposition of the biblical text. Students are taught how to do outlining, introductions, conclusions, titles, and transitions when preparing and preaching a message. This class is valuable and needed if the student wants to do original exegesis and then teach it effectively, in contrast to being limited to a curriculum teacher or regurgitating another’s study or sermon.
(3 Credits)
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