Pondering the Page #9 is a continuation of PTP #8 and the 45 principles on spiritual leadership.
30-60 minute devotionals
(1 Credit)

Verse-by-verse expositional survey of Paul’s last epistle of 2 Timothy.
(1 Credit)

This is a verse-by-verse exposition of 1 Corinthians 12–14, which is the most definitive and expansive passage in the New Testament on the topic of spiritual gifts. Special attention is given to the baptism by the Holy Spirit and the gifts of apostleship, prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. This exposition shows how these gifts were foundational for the early church but have ceased since then, in contrast to the teachings of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
(4 Credits)

A verse-by-verse exposition of the second half of the book of Romans covering God’s national election of Israel, His present and future plan for that nation, and practical instruction in righteousness for the Church.

The foundational issues of life according to God's biblical design are contrasted with their contemporary distortions in our fallen world. Foundational truths from Genesis 1-12 and other key passages are studied to form a biblical worldview with respect to truth, authority, origins, the nature of mankind, abortion, marriage and the family, gender and sexuality, economics and socialism, justice and equality, race, environment, government, nationalism and globalism, immigration, technology, and living in view of Christ's imminent return.
(3 Credits)

A survey of the major spiritual lessons, people, and events of the last 20 centuries of Christendom.
(3 Credits)

This course surveys sects and denominations within professing Christendom; as well as atheism & agnosticism and non-Christian world religions and the cults, all designed to make the student a more discerning and effective witness for Christ.
(3 Credits)

This course continues where the Biblical Exegesis I left off with the 20-step process from exegesis to exposition in order to better equip the student to rightly divide the word of truth.
(4 Credits)
Prereq: 4701 - Biblical Exegesis 1

This course highlights the mandate, definition, and advantages of verse-by-verse exposition of the biblical text. Students are taught how to do outlining, introductions, conclusions, titles, and transitions when preparing and preaching a message. This class is valuable and needed if the student wants to do original exegesis and then teach it effectively, in contrast to being limited to a curriculum teacher or regurgitating another’s study or sermon.
(3 Credits)