(2 Credits)

(2 Credits)

Developing a deeper understanding of how God wants believers to daily walk by faith in Christ and rest in His power and promises to fight their battles, carrying their burdens, direct their paths, enable their service, etc. This is a crucial study as too often well-meaning believers find themselves in Romans 7 failure and frustration because they don’t understand or enjoy the faith-rest life.
(1 Credit)

(4 Credits)

(4 Credits)

(4 Credits)

Continuation of Biblical Distinctions 1: Discerning and distinguishing from the Scriptures the biblical covenants, Gospel of Kingdom vs Gospel of Grace, the 3 different Hells, the different resurrections, 7 baptisms, the 7 major judgments, the punishment vs. discipline of God, etc.(13 Lessons)
(4 Credits)

Students will study the biblical basis for
evangelism and various means how to powerfully present the Gospel in a clear
and effective manner to others; answering basic objections to Christianity; a biblical
perspective on missions; how to plant a church; etc.
(3 Credits)

An understanding of God’s plan of the ages from Genesis
to Revelation, along with understanding the various divine economies or
dispensations that describe and distinguish man’s responsibilities to God in
each age, especially during the Church Age today.
(4 Credits)

How to teach what you have learned so far, as well as how to teach children; how to start a Sunday School; how to start a youth ministry, etc.
(2 Credits)